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Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition

The McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. specializes in securing ARD for its clients.  If you wish to pursue the ARD program in your county, give David C. McKenzie III a call at 610-680-7842.

ARD is a special pre-trial intervention program in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, USA for non-violent offenders with no prior or, in some instances, a very limited record.  The program is supervised by the ARD Captain, who reviews criminal cases for potential admission.  The primary purpose of the ARD program is the prompt disposition of charges, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming trials and other court proceedings. The secondary purpose is the prompt disposition of charges, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming trials or other court proceedings.  The program is designed to recognize those offenders who are amenable to treatment and rehabilitation, and effectively remove their cases from the criminal justice system, thereby freeing resources better utilized elsewhere.  The program intervenes at an early state, so that steps can be taken to prevent future incidents of a similar nature.

Pennsylvania ARD Program

Candidates admitted into the program are closely screened by the district attorney’s office. To be accepted into an ARD program the defendant has to agree to certain conditions such as making restitution or completing substance abuse treatment. While in an ARD program, defendants are placed under supervision, similar to probation. They may also be ordered to do community service.

The defendant doesn’t have to admit to any wrongdoing when applying for ARD, but must plead guilty to any summary offenses, usually violations of the motor vehicle code. The court may impose costs and assessments, but not a fine. Roughly 90% of the people in the ARD program have been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance.  Depending on the tier of the DUI charge, there may be a driving license suspension.

The maximum period of supervision for someone on ARD is two years. After successfully completing the program, the ARD offender may petition the court to have the charges dismissed and the case expunged. If the offender does not comply with the conditions of the program, he or she may be removed from the program and the case will be placed back on the trial list.

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