Violation of Probation Lawyer in Audubon, PA

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If you are facing charges of violation of probation or parole, a violation of probation lawyer in Audubon, PA can help you move past them and get on with your life. Our firm, McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., is led by a former prosecutor, David McKenzie. He knows the tactics used by the other side and uses this knowledge to provide his clients with the strongest possible defense.

Our team offers a free case evaluation and is eager to help. Violating probation in Pennsylvania is serious business: the court can revoke your probation and send you back to jail. If the judge agreed to expunge your record after you complete your probation, they may revoke that deal, as well. Don’t despair: we can help you get your life back. Call us at 610-680-7842 for a free case evaluation.

Violation of Probation vs. Violation of Parole

David McKenzie and his team at McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., can help you get past a violation of probation or a violation of parole charge. These two charges, while similar in many ways, are not the same.

Violation of Probation

Probation is an alternative to jail often granted to first-time offenders and people convicted of minor crimes. When you are on probation, you retain many of your freedoms, but you have to meet certain requirements and, in some cases, face restrictions on your activities (e.g., leaving the state without permission, associating with certain people, drinking alcohol).

A law enforcement official known as a probation officer administers your probation. You have to check in with this person regularly, and it is their job to make sure you are meeting all your requirements.

If you fail to meet the requirements outlined for you, or if you get charged with a subsequent crime, you could be found in violation of your probation.


Parole is an alternative to finishing the rest of the time an offender was sentenced to. Judges offer it in cases where a convicted person has served part of their sentence. When a person gets sentenced to jail or prison, they are often eligible for parole after serving a certain percentage of their term. At that point, they can argue their case for being released and granted parole.

Much like probation, a person on parole must meet a list of requirements. If that person fails to meet the requirements or commits another crime, they can face a parole violation charge.

Our criminal defense team can defend you against a charge of probation or parole violation in Audubon, PA. For a free case evaluation of an Audubon violation of probation lawyer, call us at 610-680-7842.

What Happens if You Get Convicted of Violation of Probation

A conviction for violation of probation can lead to a number of consequences, many of them severe — like going back to jail. How the judge treats your case depends largely upon whether you have been accused of a direct or technical violation of probation.

Direct Violation of Probation

Direct violation of probation means you are accused of committing another crime. For example, if you get a DUI while on probation for theft, that is considered a direct probation violation.

A direct violation of probation is serious because you may face three separate legal issues. Obviously, you have the new criminal charge and the violation of probation charge. Since your probation will likely be revoked, you may also have to answer for the original criminal charge, the one that got you on probation, all over again.

Technical Violation of Probation

Technical violation of probation means you failed to satisfy the terms of your probation. This could include any number of things, such as:

  • Not attending scheduled meetings with your probation officer
  • Missing a court hearing
  • Not completing ordered community service in the required time
  • Having outstanding fines
  • Failing a drug or alcohol test
  • Not attending required therapy sessions or meetings (e.g., AA, NA)
  • Leaving the city or state without receiving permission from your probation officer
  • Associating with individuals you are forbidden from contacting

Many of these violations do not involve malfeasance or even intentional wrongful actions; they are honest mistakes. However, they can still result in substantial consequences, including jail time. McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. fights for you and helps you avoid such an outcome. For a free case evaluation, call 610-680-7842 today.

Count on a Violation of Probation Lawyer in Audubon, PA From McKenzie Law Firm, P.C.

You should take action right away if you are accused of violating your probation. Otherwise, the court could revoke your probation and send you back to jail. If you were arrested for a crime while on probation for something else, you could be held in custody until your hearing date.

No matter the specifics of your situation, a criminal defense lawyer from McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. can help. We can file a petition to have you released from custody to await your first hearing on the new charges. If your alleged violation is a technical one, we can fight to keep your probation from getting revoked.

The Violation of Probation Hearing

Following a violation of probation charge, you will receive a hearing at which you can argue your case to keep your probation. A Audubon violation of probation lawyer from McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., can defend you at this hearing — and help you prepare for it.

Our Audubon violation of probation attorneys have a successful track record at probation violation hearings. We have many tactics to encourage the court to drop your charge and restore your probation. If you failed a drug or alcohol test, for example, we can argue for alternative justice, such as rehab or AA, instead of jail.

Call Today for a Free Case Evaluation: 610-680-7842

David McKenzie and the McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. team can help you get past a violation of probation charge. We are eager to start defending you. For a free case evaluation with a member of our staff, call us at 610-680-7842.

Audubon Practice Areas
  • DUI
  • Gun Crime
  • Juvenile Defense
  • Probation Violation
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