If you have been arrested on a drunk driving charge in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, or a nearby area, you could be facing license suspension, steep fines, and even jail time. If convicted of DUI (driving under the influence), it could have long-term consequences on your career, family, and social life. It could even affect your ability to buy a home, get a job, or attend a university.
A DUI lawyer in Doylestown, PA, from McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., can investigate your case and build a strong defense on your behalf. Our legal team can work to get the charges against you reduced or dropped. A member of our team is standing by to hear your side of the story and to help you determine the next best steps based on your unique circumstances.
A DUI charge in Pennsylvania is a serious offense. Fines and penalties you may face if convicted range based on whether this is your first, second, third, or fourth offense. This will also depend on your BAC or blood alcohol content at the point of your arrest.
There are now three levels of DUI, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT).
Under General Impairment, you will be charged with a misdemeanor whether this is your first, second, or if you have multiple DUI offenses. Fines range from $300 up to $5,000. And while a first driving under the influence offense may not include jail time, you could face from five days to two years in jail if this is your second or third offense. You may also be required to enter alcohol treatment and use an ignition interlock device for one year.
Under High BAC, you will face a 12- to 18-month suspension of your license and anywhere from $750 to $10,000 in fines depending on your prior DUI offenses. You could also face one month in jail or up to five years in prison. In addition, alcohol treatment counseling is typically ordered, and a one-year ignition interlock device will be placed on your vehicle.
Under Highest BAC, the penalties include a 12- to 18-month license suspension, up to five years in prison, and between $1,000 to up to $10,000 in fines. If ordered, you will have to enter alcohol treatment, and an ignition interlock device will be placed on your vehicle for one year.
We will work with you to determine if your rights were violated during your arrest for driving under the influence. Our team will strategize a defense and fight your DUI charges. You should not have to face this legal battle alone. Your freedom and future depend on the outcome. We know the DUI laws in Pennsylvania and the steps needed to build a strong defense on your behalf.
Our legal team will analyze the prosecution’s case against you and determine if mistakes were made during your arrest or BAC testing. Our DUI lawyer knows what to look for in the evidence against you and identify errors that lend to a strong defense in your favor:
A drunk driving conviction in Pennsylvania means you will have a permanent criminal record. Our DUI attorney can offer resources based on the facts of your case that may alleviate this costly consequence. In some cases, first-time DUI offenders may be eligible for the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program.
This program offers those with no prior criminal history a chance to successfully complete the terms of the ARD program and have the charges against them dropped. This means you will not face jail time, and your record will remain clean. But some conditions must be adhered to in order to benefit from the program, which could include:
We can determine if you qualify for the ARD program and what other resources might be available to reduce the charges in your case.
Attorneys have various fee structures of their own when it comes to defending DUI cases. The median costs can be estimated anywhere from $1,000 to $2,500, depending on the severity of the charges. But keep in mind, the fines you face if convicted can be much higher. When facing a DUI charge in Doylestown, having a criminal defense attorney on your side with experience in defending DUI cases may save you a lot of time and money in the long run.
Past clients describe David McKenzie as “very responsive,” “knowledgeable,” and “highly recommended.” At McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., we take pride in the Google reviews and testimonials we have received over the years.
We are passionate about our clients and fight for the best outcome in their cases. We will do the same for you. If you are facing DUI charges in Doylestown, PA, call to speak to a team member today. Call (610) 991-7219 for a free initial consultation