Exton Unfit Parenting Defense Lawyer

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Anyone in Exton who faces unfit parenting charges deserves help from a lawyer who is accessible, responsive to their needs, and ready to do everything possible to protect both you and your children.

The Exton child and youth services lawyer at McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., wants to make sure you are treated fairly as your case moves through the legal system. Do not delay: call us now and learn more about how we help our clients.

The Benefits of Hiring Our Exton Defense Lawyer

If you have never hired an Exton criminal defense lawyer before, it is reasonable to wonder what youth services lawyers do and how our legal team can help you with your situation.

The short answer is that we do everything we possibly can to help our clients achieve their goals. In unfit parenting cases, this generally means disproving the charges so our clients can stay with their children. The longer answer is that we do everything required in our clients’ cases, including the following:

Collecting Evidence for Their Unfit Parenting Defense

The prosecution will try to find evidence that you are an unfit parent. We can put together a case file that shows the opposite: you deserve to maintain or regain custody of your children. Then we can:

  • Present this evidence to the prosecution in the hopes of persuading them to drop the case
  • Submit your evidence to the court and explain what it all means to the judge if your case ends up moving ahead
  • Use our evidence to undermine or discredit the evidence brought by the prosecution

Dealing With Challenges to Our Defense

Unfit parenting cases are extremely sensitive, so we might have to deal with all manner of urgent developments at a moment’s notice. For example:

  • Under 231 Pa. Code Rule 1915.13, parties are allowed to file for immediate custody as a form of special relief if they can prove to the judge that there are extenuating circumstances (e.g., the child is in imminent danger). We can fight such a measure if the prosecution tries to use it against you.
  • Emotions and accusations in child custody cases can escalate very quickly. You can depend on our criminal defense attorney to bring a professional, level-headed perspective to the proceedings.
  • The prosecution may be open to striking a deal in your case, or they might not. We can feel them out and, if possible, get to work on negotiating an outcome that both you and your children’s other parent can live with.

Making Ourselves Available to Exton Clients at All Times

From the moment you become our client until the very end of your case, we are available to you 24/7. We encourage you to get in touch with us however you feel comfortable. Someone is always available to respond to client calls, emails, texts, and social media messages.

Potential Outcomes of an Unfit Parenting Case in Exton

Every client has different goals for the outcome of their case. We can help you regardless of what kind of custody you are seeking. That includes:

  • Legal custody: This means you have the legal right to make or participate in making decisions about your child’s education and healthcare.
  • Physical custody: You are responsible for the child’s everyday needs, such as providing food and shelter and bringing them to school.
  • Supervised custody: You have custody of the child, but a court-appointed monitor will regularly check in to make sure both you and they are doing well.

Legal and physical custody may be delegated solely to one parent or shared between parents. Again, it depends on what you and the child’s other parent want.

What Kind of Custody Do You Want Our Defense Lawyer to Fight For?

There is no “one size fits all” custody arrangement that is right for every family. McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., can work with you to figure out what is best for your child and how to make it happen. Call now to learn more.

Exton Unfit Parenting Defense Lawyer

Evidence We Can Use in Your Exton Defense Case

You need to present the strongest possible case in order to keep or regain custody. Our unfit parenting defense lawyer in Exton can build such a case with materials from:

Reports From Exton Police or Other Authorities

In some cases, the police or child protective services (CPS) have already been called in to try to deal with the matter. That means there is an official record regarding the unfit parenting charge that we will review when developing your defense.

Our Exton unfit parenting defense attorney can ask the authorities for a copy of any report or CPS investigations involving your case. We may look for differences between the official reports and the prosecution’s story. We can also look for any pertinent charges made against the child’s other parent.

Character Witnesses Regarding Your Parenting Skills

The people who truly know you know that you are a fit parent, and they can help support your case by submitting official statements in your defense. We may approach a parent, sibling, friend, or coworker of yours to tell us what they know about:

  • Your parenting style
  • Your relationship with the child and the child’s other parent
  • Your efforts to improve your life, if the charges are based on allegations regarding your past behavior

Parenting Discussions in Personal Communications

Have you ever talked about your kids over text, via email, or online? Materials like this can show that, in both public and private, you care for your children and make sure that they get what they need.

Not only can we go through your phone, computer, and personal files to obtain such communications, we can also request access to any materials the child’s other parent has to see if they have also maintained records of your communication history.

Defending Exton Parents Against Unfit Parenting Charges

At McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., we know that this is a difficult time for you and your family. Just remember that you are not in this alone: our Exton unfit parenting defense lawyer can fight to keep you and your children together. 

Call us today so we can start advocating for you as soon as possible.

Exton Practice Areas
  • ARD Programs
  • Child and Youth Services
  • Drug Crimes
  • DUI
  • Embezzlement Defense
  • Forgery Defense
  • Shoplifting
  • Theft by Deception
  • Theft Crimes
  • Unfit Parenting Defense
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