It can be overwhelming and frightening to be charged with any crime. Embezzlement charges can be confusing, which is why you may want to hire our Exton defense lawyer to help you. We can gather information about your case, answer your legal questions, and guide you on the next best steps forward. You will not be left in the dark.
When you hire the Exton white collar crimes lawyer from McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., you are getting a teammate in your fight. Our firm will be available to answer all of your questions, and our office answers our clients’ calls 24/7. Call our firm today for a free case evaluation.
Do not go it alone when fighting your embezzlement case. Our Exton criminal defense lawyer can help you fight for the best possible outcome. David McKenzie is a former prosecutor who can put his insider knowledge to work in your case.
We have defended many satisfied clients since 2010 and want to add you to our list. Here are a few of the reviews our firm has gotten from past clients to back up our reputation of providing top-notch customer service:
Hiring David McKenzie to be your Exton embezzlement defense lawyer will get you round-the-clock access to our legal team. Our attorney will promptly answer all your calls and emails, and a member of our staff is always prepared to speak with you.
Not only will you get access to insider legal knowledge, you will have a weight lifted from your shoulders. We do the legwork in your case to fight for the best possible outcome. Some of the tasks that McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., can take on include:
You can get the help you deserve in this difficult time. McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., has the right Exton embezzlement defense attorney for you and your case. Call today to learn more for free.
There are several ways embezzlement could be committed, including:
The above are all possible embezzlement scenarios, but our Exton embezzlement defense law firm can help you build a defense. We could argue:
With a strong defense, we could get charges lessened or dropped. McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., would be glad to teach you about your options.
Embezzlement is considered a white collar crime. This is a category of crimes which are generally non-violent in nature and have to do with business or government. Though these crimes are not violent, they are nevertheless taken seriously. The penalties for those found guilty can range in severity. Some penalties you may face if found guilty include:
That is up to whichever court, such as Chester County District Court 15-4-03, hears your case. If you are found guilty, the severity of the punishment will depend on many factors, including your criminal history, the value of the embezzled property, and details of the crime. Here is a breakdown of white collar crimes and how they are ranked based on the value of the embezzled property:
Even if you do not end up going to prison, having a criminal record can have serious repercussions on your life. Your criminal record could affect your employment prospects, housing opportunities, child custody arrangements, citizenship, and more. Do not leave your case up to chance. You have the right to defend yourself and fight for a lesser charge or dismissal.
There is no reason to go through this alone. Being accused of a crime like embezzlement creates an ever-growing list of questions and things to do. You can get a partner in this fight: the Exton embezzlement defense lawyer from McKenzie Law Firm, P.C.
Call us today for a free case evaluation. We can listen to the details of your situation and provide you with guidance for moving forward. The time to build a strong defense is now, and our team can help.