Harleysville, PA Traffic Crimes Lawyer

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If you receive a traffic ticket or face arrest for a serious moving violation in Harleysville, PA, it’s easy to feel trapped and not know what to do next. But before you pay that fine or enter a guilty plea, consider how our Pennsylvania traffic attorney could help your case.

At McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., our Harleysville, PA, traffic crimes lawyer can represent you in a traffic crimes case. We have challenged our clients’ charges and achieved favorable outcomes over the years. So, you don’t have to watch the authorities add points to your record. If you want to explore your legal options, you can contact us for a free consultation today.

What Can McKenzie Law Firm Do for My Harleysville, PA, Traffic Crimes Case?

You might think that getting a few points on your record won’t make a big difference in your life, but you’d be wrong. Your car insurance premium might go up, you might have to take a driving exam, and you could lose your license depending on the charges you face.

First, our firm could seek to get your fines dropped. We could also work toward getting your ticket thrown out of court. When this happens, you’ll no longer have to worry about extra points on your record or a premium increase, as the charge will be wiped.

We can help you keep your license and avoid time-consuming and tedious mandatory actions like a driving exam or traffic school. Even something as simple as a nonmoving violation could lead to losing your driving privileges. You could consult our traffic crimes attorney serving Montgomery County, PA, about your traffic crimes case in Harleysville. They can review your options, which may include fighting your charges.

Fighting Traffic Tickets

Tickets are the lowest level of traffic crime, and they typically involve a set fine and a points that authorities can add to your record, per the Pennsylvania Point System Fact Sheet. Even a seemingly innocuous charge could lead to losing your license, so we take every ticket seriously. We use various approaches to fight traffic tickets in and out of court.

Perhaps your vehicle was malfunctioning, or you were trying to avoid an accident when the police stopped you in Harleysville, PA. Maybe the speed radar that the ticketing officer used was faulty. Or, if the law enforcement officer didn’t establish probable cause before stopping you, we could use that to your advantage in court.

Fighting Criminal Charges

When most people hear “traffic crimes,” they think of minor things, such as parking tickets and violating the speed limit. While these make up a sizable portion of Pennsylvania traffic tickets, this term includes some more serious charges —both at the misdemeanor and felony levels.

Common criminal traffic charges include:

  • Driving under the influence
  • Fleeing a police officer
  • Leaving the scene of an accident

Along with possibly losing your license, you could also be facing thousands of dollars in fines and years in jail.

Even after serving your term, having a DUI (driving under the influence) charge on your record could make finding a new job or getting a house or apartment even more challenging. A single mistake could lead to social and legal consequences that last for years.

It’s for those reasons that we do all we can to get your charges thrown out before ever going to court. Some ways we accomplish this include scrutinizing accident reports, cross-examining witnesses to counter the prosecution’s claims, and establishing alibis in cases of mistaken identity.

How Does Pennsylvania’s Points System Work?

Generally, paying a fine makes you guilty of that violation. Along with the fee you must pay, you might also accrue points. The total number you accrue depends on the severity of the charge. Corrective action happens at just six points; considering that some tickets count for two points while others count for five points or more, multiple violations can quickly add up. It doesn’t matter how minor your final violation is. If you hit the six-point limit, you must face corrective action.

Common minor traffic violations include things like failing to stop for either a signal or stop sign, texting while driving, and speeding, just to name a few. If this is your first time hitting six points, you must take a written exam.

Two points can come off your record if you pass that test within 30 days. If you don’t pass the exam or refuse to take it, authorities will suspend your license until you pass the test. You must attend a hearing if this is your second time hitting six points. At this hearing, a judge will decide whether to allow you to take a second test or immediately suspend your license.

The Points System and Driver’s License Suspensions

The first time you get 11 or more points on your record, your license will be suspended. If this is your first suspension, you’ll lose your driver’s license for five days for each point. You will lose it for 10 days per point if it’s your second. You will lose it for 15 days per point if it’s your third suspension. Once you hit four or more suspensions, you will lose your license for one year.

Harleysville, PA Traffic Crimes Lawyer

Why Hire McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., to Handle Your Harleysville, PA, Traffic Crimes Case?

McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., represents clients in all areas of criminal law. We can help whether you’re facing an accumulation of parking tickets, a felony DUI charge, or just about anything in between. Our focus is on providing advocacy for our clients inside and outside the courtroom.

Our founder has spent the past 20 years gaining a comprehensive view of the legal system. David McKenzie, a former criminal prosecutor, has done everything from legal composition to work with both private practices and state departments. Along the way, he’s built a notable track record.

Call Us Today for a Legal Help With a Traffic Crimes Case in Harleysville, PA

The last thing you need right now is to accept defeat and watch as your insurance premiums spike and the legal consequences take their toll. No matter how big or small your case is, our Harleysville, PA, traffic crimes lawyer can review your situation and determine how we can help you. Call McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., today for a free consultation.

Harleysville Practice Areas
  • Drug Crimes
  • DUI
  • Gun Crime
  • Probation Violation
  • Traffic Crimes
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