Norristown Child Pornography Lawyer

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If you are facing child pornography charges in Norristown, a lawyer can help reduce your charges or even have your case dismissed. 

Contact a Norristown criminal defense lawyer from the McKenzie Law Firm for more information and to discuss your case.

Understanding Child Pornography Laws in Pennsylvania

Be mindful that you may be prosecuted by the state of Pennsylvania as well as in federal courts for your arrest of child pornography. This means you may be facing additional fines and punishment. It may also mean that your pornography case will be drawn out for years.

You may have been charged with possession of child pornography with findings that may include:

  • Videos of children depicting pornographic images
  • Photos of a sensitive nature
  • Undeveloped explicit images
  • Pictures or video on your computer
  • Images of child pornography or video on your phone
  • Self-made photos depicting child pornography
  • Undeveloped film
  • Electronically stored images or video

You may also be facing charges of child pornography if you are found to be involved with the manufacturing, selling, or distribution of child pornography. This may include luring children to sell them or manipulating them into performing sexual activity for child pornography purposes.

Additionally, sex crime charges involving a minor may not be the only thing you have to worry about. Depending on your case, you may be facing other charges such as rape, child endangerment, sexual abuse, or other criminal offenses. The prosecution may do this to ensure you receive the full punishment.

Understand that child pornography consists of a person under the age of 18, and the evidence must show sexual activity, sexual intentions, sexual conduct, sexual intercourse, or the like. The bottom line is that it must have a sexual tendency. For example, an innocent nude photo of a child playing in a bathtub may not constitute child pornography.

However, if you are being prosecuted under Pennsylvania state laws, the prosecuting legal team is not required to show proof that you knew of the child’s age. Sometimes mistakes happen when you engage in an activity that constitutes child pornography when, in fact, you thought the people involved were of age, whether it be videos, photos, or any other media. This argument will not hold up in Pennsylvania courts, as stated in 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 6312. This is different under federal law, though.

Meet with a Norristown child pornography lawyer who can review your case and discuss your legal options. 

Charges You May Face If Convicted of Child Pornography in Pennsylvania

Child pornography is considered a felony whether you are being prosecuted in the state of Pennsylvania or on a federal level. The most obvious of penalties when you are convicted of a felony is the hefty fines and lengthy prison term you may have to surrender to; however, the punishment far exceeds basic sentencing.

Child pornography convictions come with a slew of lasting effects. It is something you cannot hide from and will not go away. This type of permanent damage from a child pornography conviction is most notably felt with the requirement of registering as a sex offender once you are released from prison. This may be dependent on the Sexual Offenders Assessment Board, which your lawyer can help guide you through the process.

With this in mind, it can ruin your relationships with current family members and friends, and you may have difficulty creating new friendships with your neighbors, co-workers, the parents of your children’s friends, etc. Additionally, since child pornography is a serious offense and is a felony that stays on your record, you may have a tough time finding employment.

Child Pornography

How a Sex Crime Defense Attorney Can Help Defend You in Your Child Pornography Case

When you are the perpetrator, it can be difficult to defend yourself in a case of child pornography. Additionally, it can be intimidating in front of the prosecuting legal team, a judge, and possibly a jury. You can expect the prosecuting team to come down hard on you and maybe even intimidate you on purpose to make you fumble in your case. An attorney can help you through this.

Your criminal defense team can take on all aspects of your child pornography case so that all you have to do is appear. When you speak with your attorney for the first time, be upfront with them. Do not hide anything from your defense attorney, as it could cause more damage and prevent your lawyer from seeking a lesser punishment or having your case dismissed altogether.

Moreover, your legal defense team can review your case in-depth and in detail and catch things the average person may not be able to do. For example, the police and officers from law enforcement agencies may have illegally searched you, your home, or your belongings without probable cause and a warrant. They may also coerce you into talking and saying something that could hurt your case when it comes to trial. If this happens, all the evidence that was possibly uncovered could be dismissed because it was done unlawfully and infringed upon your rights.

Contact the Office of a Norristown Child Pornography Attorney for Help Today

You are one phone call away from defending your legal rights in your child pornography case. The sooner you get started, the sooner you can be protected by the law and any external factors that may harm your case or put you in danger.

Call McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. to schedule a confidential consultation. A Norristown child pornography lawyer can review the details of your case, discover any unlawful practices or accusations, and determine the legal options available to you. 

Norristown Practice Areas
  • Assault and Battery
  • Child Pornography
  • Child Sexual Assault
  • Drug Crimes
  • DUI
  • Federal Crimes
  • Firearm Possession and Other Gun Charges
  • Grand Theft
  • Indecent Assault
  • Juvenile Criminal Defense
  • Sexual Assault
  • Speeding Accidents
  • Traffic Crimes
  • Traffic Ticket
  • Under 21 DUI
  • Violation Of Probation
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