If you were accused of speeding and causing an accident, a conviction might lead to the loss of your driver’s and possibly even jail time. Our team can help you avoid the costs and inconveniences of these consequences. We can also help you minimize additional damage to your community standing, professional reputation, and career in Norristown.
A speeding accident lawyer from our firm could help you avoid these stresses by building a solid defense on your behalf. We fight by questioning the probable cause that led to your arrest in the first place and by identifying any violations of your rights that took place. We also work with the prosecution to negotiate a plea bargain and limit any damage to your personal and professional life.
Our traffic crimes defense team can help you navigate Pennsylvania’s legal system and fight to dismantle the state’s case. We also look for any violation of your rights or other factors that give us leverage for your defense. The team at McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. can:
If necessary, we also challenge blood alcohol content (BAC) equipment, speed radars, and test results. In short, we leave no stone unturned when investigating your accident and building your defense.
The aftermath of an arrest is already stressful. We do not want to add to that stress by leaving you guessing. Instead, we make sure you have access to your lawyer when you need it by providing you with:
When you sign a contract with us, we go to bat for you. We also stay in contact with you and make it easy for you to contact a team member. After we agree to work together, you will always be able to reach the lawyer who represents you.
Clients we have defended in the past love to sing our praises because we worked hard for their freedom and their future. They say:
We work hard on behalf of every client accused of a traffic crime and will fight as hard for you as we have for them. We also make sure to give you peace of mind after an arrest and keep you informed as your case progresses.
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) guidelines cite various criminal and financial penalties if you are convicted of speeding and causing an accident. In addition to costly fines, the consequences of the accident could include:
The outcome of the speeding accident may dictate stricter penalties and possible sentence enhancements. You might also face harsher penalties if alcohol played a role in the accident or if a child passenger was involved.
The effects of a traffic crime conviction can be serious and far-reaching. The severity of your charges and post-conviction penalties can influence the impact of the speeding accident on your future. Conviction can:
Additionally, if the other involved driver seeks compensation, you could also face increased insurance rates. When the McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. team fights for you, we work hard to limit the damage of conviction by negotiating a plea bargain and fighting for a lighter sentence.
When our team takes on your case, we start by listening to your version of events. We pay attention to the details of every aspect of your case. Our investigation might uncover issues with your arrest, the cause of the accident, or its aftermath that could prove beneficial to your defense.
According to Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Title 42 §8902, police cannot arbitrarily arrest you. The law requires them to have what is called probable cause to arrest you in the first place. If we can prove there was no evidence that you were speeding, we may be able to use this information in your defense.
When the officer arrested you in Norristown, they should have informed you of your rights. They include the right to:
If your rights were violated in any way, a speeding accident lawyer in our office will help leverage these violations as part of your defense.
Once you requested a lawyer or asked to end the interrogation, the police should have stopped questioning you. If they did not, our team could use these facts to fight for reduced charges or an outright dismissal on your behalf.
Were you accused of speeding and arrested after an accident in Norristown? Find out how hard our speeding accident lawyer will fight to defend you by contacting a traffic crimes team member at McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. today.