Phoenixville Child Pornography Lawyer

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An arrest on child pornography charges can deal significant damage to your reputation within the community, placing your job, relationships, and your freedom at risk.

A Phoenixville child pornography lawyer from McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. can provide you with an aggressive defense against your charges and work to mitigate the damage to your reputation. Avoiding a conviction may allow you to retain your community ties, maintain your relationships with family and friends, and keep your job.

Child Pornography According to Pennsylvania Law

Child pornography constitutes child abuse under 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 6312. You could face second or third-degree felony charges if you are found guilty of the production, transportation, distribution, possession, and viewing of material featuring underage individuals engaging in sexual acts.

These are serious charges, and you not only face severe legal penalties, but you also face societal stigma that can harm you for the rest of your life. Penalties may include:

  • Fines 
  • Time in jail 
  • Registry as a sex offender, which anyone can look up online or by inquiring with local law enforcement
  • Your family and friends could shun you
  • Loss of your job and/or your professional license, severely hindering your ability to earn an income
  • Employers will likely be more reluctant to hire you

In addition, there could be restrictions on where you can work and where you can live. All of this can cause great harm to your mental and emotional health as you feel the strain of ostracization.

Charges are not a conviction. We strongly recommend obtaining legal representation from a criminal defense attorney and employing a vigorous defense as soon as possible. We can fight back against the charges you face and mitigate any non-legal damages before it’s too late. Your freedom, your finances, and your reputation are all at stake.

Our Child Pornography Lawyer Can Fight for You in Phoenixville

A lawyer from our firm with experience fighting child pornography charges can put together a defense with your cooperation and participation. We will challenge the evidence against you and work to dismiss or reduce the charges you face.

If you obtain our legal services, you can expect us to:

  • Investigate the charges against you and the circumstances under which they arose. It’s important to discover the facts of your case so we can adequately and vigorously challenge the prosecution.
  • Gather evidence to support your case. It’s not just about challenging the evidence during a preliminary hearing, it’s also about presenting the evidence to the jury to create reasonable doubt.
  • Develop a defense strategy with you so you can be confident in the plan as you walk into the courtroom. We not only want your approval of the defense strategy, but we also want you to help us as we put it together.
  • Negotiate with the prosecution to dismiss or reduce the charges against you. Our founder is a former prosecutor, so we understand how the prosecution works. This could help us negotiate a deal that benefits you.
  • Represent you and vigorously defend you in court if your case goes to trial. We will work to challenge the evidence brought by the prosecution and protect your rights. You are innocent until proven guilty.
  • Mitigate the damage you suffer outside of the courtroom, including defending your professional license and working to restore your reputation.
  • Communicate with you regularly and provide you with updates on your case. We will respond to your messages quickly.
  • Guide you through the legal process at preliminary hearings, jury selection, and trial. We will also answer any questions you have about the process and your case.

The sooner you can begin building a robust defense against the charges against you, the better. Obtaining the services of a lawyer who has experience fighting child pornography charges can benefit you. We want to secure a fair case outcome for you and support you during this frightening and uncertain time.


Defense Strategies Our Child Pornography Lawyer Can Employ

Fighting back against child pornography charges is not as easy as simply saying you’re innocent. You must be able to challenge the prosecution’s case. Developing a robust defense strategy we can execute in court is a good place to begin. It’s important to us that we develop this strategy with you, but you can rule out using any strategy we propose.

Possible defenses we can offer include:

  • Arguing that the child pornography is not yours. Someone else may have used your computer or left the material at your home, meaning the police took the wrong person into custody.
  • Arguing that you came into possession of child pornography by accident. Maybe you accidentally downloaded it on your computer or perhaps the post office delivered it to the wrong address.
  • Arguing that you believed the pornographic materials only featured adults and you didn’t realize anyone was underage.
  • Arguing that the police didn’t abide by proper procedure when searching your home or arresting you.

A criminal defense attorney from our firm can build a defense strategy for you so your voice is heard. You have the right to have an attorney represent you. We urge you to exercise that right.

Consult Our Law Firm in Phoenixville About Your Child Pornography Case Today 

We believe that every defendant is innocent until proven guilty. Child pornography charges can ruin your life. Obtaining legal representation as soon as possible allows your attorney to begin building your defense immediately. 

At McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., we’ve seen the damage child pornography charges can cause, and we don’t want to see it happen to you. If you face child pornography charges in Phoenixville, a lawyer from our firm is ready to talk to you about your case. Don’t hesitate to contact us today for a confidential consultation.

Phoenixville Practice Areas
  • Child Pornography
  • Drug Crimes
  • Drug Felony
  • DUI
  • Traffic Ticket
  • Under 21 DUI
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