When someone in Reading, PA, gets caught going over the speed limit, they could receive a speeding ticket from the authorities. Some might think their only option is to pay the fine and accept the penalties. However, it’s not.
If you got a speeding ticket, you can work with a Reading speeding ticket lawyer to contest the allegations. McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. will use evidence and testimony to get the ticket reduced or dismissed. You can call us today to learn more about your options.
Understanding how Pennsylvania views speeding is critical to your case’s outcome. Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Title 75 § 3361 states that motorists should drive at a reasonable speed while also considering roadway conditions, traffic, pedestrians, and other hazards.
Motorists should also adjust their speed in certain situations. For instance, on a congested highway, zipping past other vehicles could be seen as negligent – even if the driver goes below the speed limit. Our team will evaluate how Pennsylvania’s laws apply to your case and take action accordingly.
After receiving a speeding ticket, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PDOT) notes that you could face:
Having a Reading speeding ticket lawyer from McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. handle your case could help you avoid such penalties.
Apart from the fines and driver’s license penalties you face, you may also have to deal with other repercussions due to your speeding ticket, such as:
Depending on how fast you went and your overall driving behavior, your speeding ticket could escalate into an aggressive or reckless driving violation under Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Title 75 Section 3736. Not only would you face license suspensions and fines, but you could also get jail time.
if you allegedly caused an accident due to speeding, the crash victim can sue you to get compensated for their damages. They can cite the speeding ticket as proof of your negligent behavior. If they win the civil case, you would pay out of pocket for their losses—hurting your financial stability.
When applying for a new auto insurance policy or renewing your old one, the auto insurance company will check your driving record. The cleaner the record, the cheaper your premiums will likely be since you pose a lower risk of causing accidents.
If you’re facing a speeding charge, this could increase your insurance premiums. The insurance company would assume that because you speed, you’re a liability and should pay more to get coverage.
Such expensive consequences make it even more prudent to consider consulting with a speeding ticket lawyer in Reading. McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. is ready to start advocating for you now.
Working with a speeding ticket lawyer in Reading means you have someone to represent and counsel you in court. Your attorney will protect you from unjust allegations.
Reasons to consider partnering with our legal team include:
We stay updated on Pennsylvania’s speeding laws and other traffic regulations. When evaluating your case, we will review the law and look for ways to craft your defense.
For example, suppose you got your speeding ticket on a road that did not have an established maximum speed limit. In this case, we can check Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Title 75 Section 3362 to determine whether the ticket is valid.
This law states that maximum speed limits shall only be effective if posted at the start or end of the speed zone. Otherwise, we could argue that because there wasn’t a posted speed limit, you shouldn’t have to pay for a ticket.
We need evidence to show that you weren’t speeding or, if you were speeding, it was justified. Supporting evidence in your case could include traffic camera footage, eyewitness testimony, and accident reconstruction data.
There are many defenses we can employ to protect your legal rights. Some of these defenses include:
Getting a speeding ticket here in Reading does not automatically mean you have to accept the penalties. You could consult with a Reading speeding ticket lawyer before heading to court to have your situation assessed. McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. has handled various traffic crime cases throughout Pennsylvania for over a decade.
We stand ready to help you. Call today to learn more about your legal options and what to expect from our team.