Springfield Felony DUI Lawyer

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  5. Springfield Felony DUI Lawyer

DUI charges in Pennsylvania are generally considered misdemeanors, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT). However, they can increase to felony charges if the DUI arrest involves an automobile accident that resulted in:

  • Bodily injury
  • Death
  • Extensive property damage

If you were arrested on charges of driving under the influence (DUI), which then escalated to a felony charge, our criminal defense team at McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., wants to defend you. When you hire a felony DUI lawyer from our team that serves Springfield, Pennsylvania, we can begin preparing your case right away.

Our Criminal Defense Team Will Work Hard to Build Your Case and Protect You

Why hire a criminal defense attorney? While you have a right to an attorney and the state can provide one for you, there are benefits to hiring a private lawyer.

The state can appoint you a public defender, but public defenders are often overwhelmed by numerous cases (sometimes up to the hundreds). Therefore, they often cannot give each client the attention they need for a proper defense.

By hiring a felony DUI lawyer from our criminal defense team at McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., you can rest assured that we will dedicate time and effort to representing you and meeting your concerns. Below are some of the services we will provide you as our client:

Attentive Customer Service Anytime, any Day

When you’re facing serious charges, you most likely will have questions and concerns. Once you become our client, you will gain 24-hour communication access to our legal team. This means we will:

  • Answer your calls and emails any time of the day, any day of the week
  • Respond to text messages and social media messages you send
  • Keep you updated on your case as new developments come in

Private Investigation Into Your Arrest and Charges

Felony charges should not be taken lightly, so our team will make efforts to get all the facts about your case. This may involve investigating to determine:

  • Whether your traffic stop was unlawful
  • Whether your arrest was unlawful
  • Whether you were exhibiting signs of being under the influence at the time of the arrest
  • Whether your field sobriety test was accurate or unlawful

During our investigation, we will gather evidence to support your case and defend you from a felony conviction. We aim to reduce or eliminate your charges with the evidence we find.

Legal Guidance and Representation

When you become our client, we want to make sure you understand the full scope of your case so that you can make informed decisions. This means we intend to explain your legal options throughout the litigation process and advise you on legal decisions.

We also aim to protect you as much as possible, so we will offer to speak on your behalf when interested parties reach out for a statement. If possible, we could negotiate a plea deal out of court so you don’t have to face higher penalties. However, we will represent you in a trial case if necessary.

We Will Investigate Your Case to Shape Your Defense Arguments

While analyzing your DUI arrest, we will be looking for any evidence that might point to your traffic stop, arrest, or charge being unlawful. Several factors could invalidate your arrest or felony DUI charges.

In building your defense argument, we may use any of the following points as leverage, should they apply to your case:

  • There were no signs of driving under the influence that warranted your traffic stop (e.g., you were not weaving in and out of lanes).
  • Upon being pulled over, you did not exhibit signs of being under the influence (e.g., slurred speech or poor coordination).
  • The police officer did not give you a breathalyzer, blood, or urine test properly.
  • Your breathalyzer test results did not show your blood alcohol content (BAC) level being .08% or higher (.04% for commercial drivers).
  • The arresting officer did not read your Miranda’s rights.

We May Negotiate for Lesser Charges

If possible, we may negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecutor to reduce your felony DUI to a misdemeanor or an even lesser charge, such as a wet reckless driving charge. If possible, we may also argue to have you enter an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program. We may be able to do this if:

  • This was your first DUI offense.
  • You agree to attend alcohol highway safety school and follow other mandatory conditions of the ARD program.
  • No other person besides you was seriously injured or killed.
  • You did not have a passenger in your vehicle who was aged 14 or younger.

If we can reduce your charges, we may also discuss expungement opportunities.  This can reduce the effects of your case on your criminal and driving records. According to the Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA), certain information can be expunged. Our legal team can explain this in more detail in a future consultation.

man in handcuffs

Consequences You Might Face if Convicted of a Felony

There are high stakes in DUI cases involving felony charges, which is why our team intends to do what it takes to fight for your rights. Regarding the legal penalties of felony charges, you may face:

  • Up to five years of jail time
  • Fines as high as $10,000
  • Driver’s license suspension
  • Ignition interlock
  • Alcohol highway safety school
  • Court-mandated treatment

Beyond that, a felony conviction can have significant consequences on your personal life. It can make it more difficult for you to find employment, buy a house, and maintain good social status or personal relationships with others. We want to help you avoid these negative life changes.

Our Criminal Defense Team Can Help You Fight Against a Felony Charge

If you are worried about a felony DUI charge in Springfield, Pennsylvania, and would like legal assistance in your fight against a potential conviction, call McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., at (610) 991-7219. Our team can review your case for free and determine what support we can offer.

Don’t feel defeated about the charges you are facing. Our felony DUI lawyer may be able to build a case that helps reduce or eliminate your charges. At our law firm, we shine, not burn, and we intend to keep that same energy for you. Call today.

Springfield Practice Areas
  • Child Pornography
  • Drug Crimes
  • DUI
  • Felony DUI
  • Gun Crime
  • Traffic Ticket
  • Under 21 DUI
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