If you’re facing charges of child pornography in Upper Darby, the outcome of your case will have lifelong repercussions. A conviction may result in jail time and limit your prospects for future employment. You could face permanent harm to your personal reputation. However, you have a legal right to defend your name. Our Upper Darby child pornography lawyer can fight the charges against you.
McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. is committed to helping defendants stand up for their rights and maintain their freedom. Our firm’s founder, David McKenzie, is a former Dauphin County prosecutor. He understands how prosecutors build cases and more importantly, he understands how to fight them. We have been standing up for the rights of defendants in criminal cases since 2010. An acquittal or a case dismissal is our mission for every client.
Our Upper Darby criminal defense lawyer will be committed to fighting your case. We believe that everyone deserves a quality legal defense, no matter what the charges. We are here to fight for you, not judge you. If we take your case, we will do everything we can to get an acquittal or achieve the best possible outcome under the circumstances.
Our team will look at the state’s evidence in detail and plan a defense strategy that addresses the specific allegations in your case. We will also make sure you stay aware of the status of your case. We will handle any hearings, motions, or filings necessary to move your case along. We are also going to be responsive and attentive to your questions about the process.
Examples of the steps we take to fight for our clients may include:
Viewing or possessing child pornography can lead to third-degree felony charges. Creating or disseminating child pornography is seen as an even more serious crime and prosecuted as a second-degree felony even for first-time offenders. You could face hefty fines and years in jail.
Child pornography is also a federal offense. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you can be charged at just the state level, the federal level, or both the federal and state level at the same time. If you are found guilty on federal charges, you may face even harsher penalties than you would at the state level.
If you are found guilty, you could face penalties even after you’ve paid fines and served time in jail. You might notice that you have trouble securing housing in certain areas, and you could be turned away from jobs. Your friends and family may not trust you anymore, either. Leave it to our well-versed team to stand up for you.
The penalties for a child pornography conviction do not end when you have completed your prison term. Pennsylvania has a database of any residents who have been convicted of child pornography. If convicted, you will be required to register with this sex-offender database after your release.
You will have to report your address and other personal data, such as your physical description and social security number, to the Pennsylvania State Police. They publish this list as a public record and your entry will typically include the following information:
Everyone from employers conducting routine background checks to landlords running rental applications can access this sex offender database. In fact, anyone with an internet connection will be able to find it.
Another important aspect of having an experienced child pornography lawyer representing you is that they know what defenses can be used in your case.
Potential defenses your lawyer may mount against charges of viewing or disseminating child pornography include:
There may be other defenses we can use once we learn the details of your case. We may be able to fight for a case dismissal, acquittal, or an agreement for reduced charges.
You don’t have to talk to the police or prosecutors alone. They can and will use your statements against you. Having our Upper Darby child pornography lawyer present during questioning can help you maintain your freedom and personal reputation.
The consequences of being charged with child pornography are severe, but the aftermath of a conviction is even worse. In a situation with stakes this high, you may want to consider having an experienced attorney on your side. Contact our firm today for a free consultation. The sooner you call us, the sooner we can begin fighting for you.