If you find yourself suddenly facing drunk driving charges, you may be unsure about how to proceed or what should happen next. You may feel like the charges are unfair, but you could not convince any of the law enforcement officers involved to treat your situation fairly.
This is where our criminal defense lawyer in Upper Southampton, PA, can help. The team at McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., has extensive experience defending those accused of criminal charges, and we are ready to take on the challenge of your DUI case.
No state law requires you to hire a DUI defense attorney if you are facing a drunk driving charge in Bucks County or anywhere in Pennsylvania. You could try to defend yourself, or you could choose to rely on a court-appointed attorney if you qualify to receive one.
However, because of the severity of these charges, having our team on your side can give you peace of mind. We have argued all kinds of criminal cases on behalf of our clients, including multiple DUI cases, and we know how to fight for your rights.
Under Pennsylvania DUI laws, three levels of penalties are available for drunk drivers, depending on your measured blood alcohol content (BAC) level. According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), a BAC of 0.08% to 0.099% is general impairment and has the least serious penalties. Those with BAC levels higher than 0.10% or 0.16% face far harsher penalties.
Additionally, if you have prior convictions for drunk driving on your record, you will face harsher potential penalties. Our team serving Upper Southampton, PA, will work to fight the charges, relying on the facts we collect in the case.
Rather than simply pleading guilty to the DUI charge to move on with your life as quickly as possible, you need to understand how this conviction could affect you going forward. Potential problems can include:
Rather than just giving in to the prosecutor and pleading guilty, consider hiring the defense team at McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. We cannot guarantee that we will win your case, but you can rest assured that we will do everything we can to see the charges against you reduced or dropped.
Some of our potential clients have concerns with spending the money to hire us to defend them in an Upper Southampton DUI case. Understand, however, that the long-term financial ramifications of a drunk-driving conviction can be far greater than paying our fee.
Those convicted of DUI may face fines and multiple fees related to probation and driver’s license reinstatement. Higher insurance premiums and other expenses add up quickly, too.
If we can achieve a reduction or elimination of your DUI charge, the money you spend to hire us will help you save money down the road.
Do not assume the prosecutor will treat you less harshly because you are young or you are a first-time offender. Prosecutors may not take extenuating circumstances in your case into consideration.
Having the representation of our experienced DUI lawyer on your side can be highly beneficial in presenting your side of the case and having the prosecutors listen. If we can convince the prosecutor to reduce the level of charges you are facing, this can benefit your long-term outlook.
We take the time to study the facts in your case, looking for evidence that can help us achieve a successful outcome, whether that means reducing or eliminating your charges. Some possible defenses include:
The officer who arrested you must follow all legal procedures throughout the process, including having a legitimate reason to make a traffic stop or perform an in-field sobriety test. If the facts in the case point toward a different and better potential defense strategy, we will pursue it.
Some people in Pennsylvania who are facing a DUI charge may have an option to enter the ARD Program (short for Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition). ARD allows first-time offenders to go through a rehabilitation program, potentially leading to a dismissal of the charges against them.
Our Upper Southampton, PA, DUI attorney knows that not every person charged with drunk driving is eligible for ARD. However, in those cases where ARD is a possibility, we will fight to show the court why you should be in this program.
Our past clients know exactly how hard we prepared for their cases and worked for a favorable outcome for them. We will do the same in our defense of your Pennsylvania DUI case.
Call McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., today at (610) 991-7219 to review the parameters of your case during a free consultation. A representative is available to discuss your DUI or criminal defense matter 24/7.