Violation of Probation Lawyer In Bristol

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If the state is charging you for violating your probation or parole in Bristol, you could be sent back to jail. A violation of probation lawyer in Bristol, PA from McKenzie Law Firm can protect your rights and prevent that from happening. We fight for the rights of the accused, including those charged with probation or parole violations.

Our lead attorney, David McKenzie, is a former prosecutor who spent years on the other side. During his time prosecuting cases, he learned how the other side works and now uses that knowledge to give his clients the advantage. You can count on our team to fight harder than anyone else for you.

For a free case evaluation, call us today at 610-680-7842.

What to Expect When Facing a Violation of Probation Charge

In Pennsylvania, the consequences of a violation can be severe. The judge may revoke your probation or require you to serve a jail term. It depends in large part on the nature of your original conviction, as well as whether you have been charged with a direct violation of probation or a technical violation of probation.

Direct Violation of Probation

A direct violation of probation occurs when you commit a new crime while on probation for a previous crime. For example, you were originally convicted of theft and sentenced to probation, in lieu of jail time. While serving your probation, you get charged with a DUI.

A direct probation violation can leave you on the hook for three separate charges: the new crime, the probation violation, and the original crime. Then come into play a violation of probation lawyer.

Technical Violation of Probation

A technical probation violation occurs when you fail to meet one or more of the obligations in the terms of your probation. For instance, you neglect to:

  • Meet with your probation officer as scheduled
  • Attend all court hearings
  • Perform all required community services
  • Pay assessed fines
  • Submit to and pass required drug or alcohol screenings
  • Attend AA, NA, or other required therapy sessions
  • Secure permission from your probation officer before leaving the city or state
  • Avoid associating with certain people as determined by the judge

Often, a technical violation of probation results not from an act of malfeasance or intentional wrongdoing, but from an honest mistake. This can include driving to a neighboring town to help a friend move and forgetting to inform your probation officer about your intentions.

A technical probation violation can result in serious consequences, even if you did not intend to violate your probation and the transgression seems minor. The judge could revoke your probation and sentence you to jail time.

A Bristol violation of probation lawyer from McKenzie Law Firm can defend you against both direct and technical probation violation charges. We fight hard to keep you out of jail and to clear your record. For a free case evaluation, call us at 610-680-7842.

McKenzie Law Firm Can Also Defend You Against a Parole Violation Charge

Parole and probation are similar, but not the same. Parole is granted to those who have served a portion of their prison terms for their criminal convictions. Meanwhile, probation is granted in lieu of jail time.

That being said, the penalties for violating one’s parole are very similar to those for violating one’s probation. You may be looking at a return to jail in both cases.

Whether you are facing a probation or parole violation charge, our main objective is to keep you out of jail. To find out more and to receive a free case evaluation from a Bristol violation of probation lawyer of the McKenzie Law Firm, call 610-680-7842.

First time probation violation

Count on McKenzie Law Firm to Fight to Keep You Free

A violation of probation or parole conviction can result in the revocation of your freedom. You could end up back in jail to serve time for the original crime of which you were convicted. However, if you take action quickly and work with a violation of probation lawyer in Bristol, PA, we can help you avoid this fate.

If your charge is for a direct probation violation, you face the possibility of being held in detention until your hearing date. We will fight this aggressively. Our team can file a petition to have you released while you await your hearing.

We will do what is necessary to keep you out of jail, regardless of the circumstances of your case. When your hearing date arrives, we will have a strong defense for why your probation or parole should not be revoked.

Your Violation of Probation Hearing

You are allowed to have a criminal defense attorney in Bristol present at your violation of probation hearing. At this hearing, your attorney can plead your case and present evidence on your behalf.

The outcome of this hearing is crucial, as it determines your fate going forward — whether you end up back in jail or emerge with your probation intact.

David McKenzie and the team at McKenzie Law Firm can prepare a compelling case on your behalf and deliver an aggressive defense at your hearing. Our goal is to do whatever possible to keep you from going to jail.

For a free case evaluation with a member of our team, call us at 610-680-7842 today.

For a Free Case Evaluation With a Violation of Probation Lawyer in Bristol, PA, Call 610-680-7842 Today

The criminal defense team at McKenzie Law Firm is ready to get to work on your case today. We will fight your violation of probation or parole charge. For a free case evaluation, call our office at 610-680-7842.

Bristol Practice Areas
  • ARD Program
  • Child Pornography
  • Drug Crimes
  • DUI Defense
  • Gun Crime
  • Juvenile Criminal Defense
  • Traffic Crimes
  • Under 21 DUI
  • Violation of Probation
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