3 Breasted Woman Charged with DUI

3 Breasted Woman Charged with DUI

Below are my tips for avoiding a DUI:

1) Refrain from driving during the earlier morning hours as you are more likely to attract attention from the police;

2) Refrain from committing traffic violations such as speeding as the already increased attention on you will likely lead to a traffic stop;

3) Refrain from being the girl who claimed she had a 3rd breast implanted in the hopes it would land her a MTV reality show as the arrest for DUI, which would otherwise likely go unpublicized, will instead most definitely be posted and commented on across the internet;

4) Refrain from submitting to field sobriety testsas they only help to provide law enforcement with probable cause for your arrest.

As always, if you have questions or need help, contact us @ McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. – 610-680-7842.

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