Dealing with Your Insurance Company Following a DUI

will my insurance go up after dui

The ramifications of a DUI charge extend far and wide. Not only do you face the prospect of a hefty fine and incarceration, you are likely to encounter difficulties with your automobile insurance. Depending on the circumstances, your rates may go up or you may lose your coverage all together. There are some important strategies you can – must – employ in order to put yourself in the best position in regard to automobile insurance coverage in the aftermath of a DUI.

Don’t Go It Alone

The first mistake a person makes when it comes to automobile insurance following a DUI charge is attempting to deal with an insurance company alone. You simply do not have to do that – and if you do, you are quite likely to cause yourself more harm than good.

An experienced Pennsylvania DUI attorney well understands the extent of damage that can be caused as a result of a DUI. A lawyer knows how to deal with the criminal and administrative processes associated with a DUI charge. That professional will also have experience in assisting clients in dealing with post-DUI insurance issues.

Follow the Terms and Conditions of Your Insurance Policy

Your insurance policy spells out specifically what you need you to do if you are charged with a major violation while operating your car, like a DUI. You must comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the insurance contract or policy. If you fail to do so, you can – and likely will – be deemed to have breached the contract with the insurance company.

The reality is that oftentimes a person loses coverage in the aftermath of a DUI because that individual did not comply with the terms of the insurance policy. A lawyer can make sure that you remain in compliance in this regard.

Initial Consultation with an Attorney

Immediately after being charged with a DUI, you need to schedule a meeting with a qualified Pennsylvania DUI lawyer. The lawyer will be able to discuss all aspects of your case with you, including insurance related ramifications. There is no charge to you for this initial consultation with a Pennsylvania DUI attorney.

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