Pennsylvania courts address a good number of cases annually in which a driver alleged to be under the influence of alcohol also is charged with leaving the scene of an accident. In some cases, the associated accident is rather minor. For example, the allegedly intoxicated driver caused a minimal amount of damage to another automobile.
However, there are also cases in which an allegedly inebriated driver is said to have caused injury to another person, perhaps another driver, perhaps a pedestrian. After allegedly causing such an accident, the motorist that ends up being charged was said to have left the scene of the accident.
Leaving the scene of an accident when intoxicated can have significant consequences. This is particularly the case if another individual is alleged to have been injured because of the conduct of an intoxicated driver.
Leaving is Always Worse
There are some motorists who believe that leaving the scene of an accident provides them with the best chance of avoiding serious charges in court. For example, they may have had a previous DUI and want to avoid a consecutive case with more significant penalties. If they caused property damage, they may desire to avoid charges and expenses associated with that type of accident.
The reality is that it is never a good idea to flee from the scene of an accident, even when a person has been drinking. The reality is that the likelihood that witnessess saw the event is high. Moreover, in this day and age, the use of cameras in public areas – for a whole host of reasons – is widespread.
Simply put, a motorist is likely to be caught and face even more serious charges than would have been the case if he or she merely stayed at the scene of the accident.
Pennsylvania DUI Attorney
A person charged with DUI and leaving the scene of the accident must have a tenacious Pennsylvania DUI attorney on his or her side. Only through experienced legal representation is a person facing a DUI and leaving the scene of the accident charge best able to mount an effective defense.