Michael Govaerts Wins Teen Drinking and Driving Prevention PSA Scholarship


With a background in public health and a drive to make the world a better place, Michael Govaerts is the perfect fit for the Teen Drinking and Driving Prevention PSA Scholarship. A former public health student, Govaerts now seeks to find solutions in his new major: computer science.

Govaerts wrote a compelling essay on the dangers of drinking and driving, its effects on society, and possible ways to prevent tragic injuries and deaths from happening in the first place.

“I believe the implementation of self-driving vehicles is likely to be an effective solution to impaired driving,” he writes in his winning essay, “as it takes the impaired driver out of the equation entirely.”

He also expressed the need for more deterrents, including continued enforcement of existing anti-drinking-and-driving legislation and even a possible raise in the alcohol tax.

Govaerts’ Background

Michael Govaerts previously studied as a medical student before transitioning to computer science. However, his goal has always been to improve social welfare and bring betterment to society at large.

“My biggest inspiration is my mother, who has always done an excellent job modeling evidence-based decision-making and treating other living things with compassion,” he told McKenzie Law Firm representatives.

While studying his new trade, Govaerts also works with the Computing Talent Initiative, an organization that seeks to promote diversity among the computer science field. He also assists his mother in her duties as a California realtor and volunteers with an ESL (English as a Second Language) group.

McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. is proud to present Mr. Govaerts with the $2,500 Teen Drinking and Driving Prevention PSA Scholarship. As a criminal attorney, David McKenzie is intimately familiar with traffic accidents that involve alcohol. This scholarship is part of an overall initiative to help reduce or eliminate these needless tragedies. To that end, Michael Govaerts is certainly a worthy winner.

Read Michael Govaerts’ winning essay here.

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