What Are the Penalties for Drug Trafficking in Pennsylvania?

What Are the Penalties for Drug Trafficking in Pennsylvania?

The penalties for drug trafficking in Pennsylvania include fines and/or a prison sentence. The amount you have to pay and the length of time you have to spend behind bars will depend on the specifics of your case.

Our Pennsylvania criminal defense lawyer can review your circumstances, tell you what penalties you face, and work to build a strong criminal defense for drug trafficking in Pennsylvania.

What Factors Influence Drug Trafficking Penalties?

The penalties a person faces for drug trafficking in Pennsylvania are laid out at 18 Pa. C.S.A. § 7508. According to this statute, PA drug trafficking penalties change based on:

  • The type and amount of the drug. Controlled substance laws in PA rank how dangerous each substance is. The more dangerous the substance you allegedly trafficked, the more serious the possible penalties.
  • The extent of the alleged trafficking operation. The court is allowed to fine you as much as it takes to drain all assets and profits associated with the “illegal activity.”
  • Mandatory minimums for drug crimes in PA. Judges are not allowed to issue sentences lighter than those codified in this law.
  • Prior convictions. If you were already convicted of drug trafficking, you will likely face stricter penalties than if this was your first offense.

This law means that how big a fine you face and how long jail time is for drug trafficking in PA vary widely from case to case.

How to Protect Your Rights During Pennsylvania Drug Crime Sentencing

If you are accused of a drug trafficking felony in Pennsylvania, our drug crimes attorney can work to get you the lightest sentence possible so you can get your life back sooner. The faster you get in touch with our legal team, the faster we can get to work on:

  • Investigating the charges against you
  • Making sure the police respected your rights—and asking that the charges be dropped if they did not
  • Determining if the prosecution is open to reducing the charges—lower charges generally carry lighter penalties
  • Determining if the prosecution is open to offering a plea deal, which would allow you to plead guilty in exchange for a lesser charge with less onerous penalties
  • Representing you in all venues, including the arraignment hearing, the trial, and the sentencing

Do not let the police trick you into confessing or making a deal without our lawyer present. They are only interested in making an arrest and getting a conviction, while we care about advocating for you.

Our Pennsylvania Lawyer Can Fight for Your Rights

Call McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., now so we can assess your case for free. The penalties for drug trafficking in Pennsylvania can be harsh, so we fight hard to make sure our clients are treated fairly and receive the best possible outcomes.

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