What Are the Penalties for First-Time Probation Violations in Pennsylvania?

First time probation violation

You are less likely to face serious consequences for a first-time probation violation in Pennsylvania than for subsequent violations, but many factors go into determining the exact penalties. These factors include:

What kinds of factors determine the exact penalties in Pennsylvania?

  • Whether or not your probation officer reports the violation;
  • The seriousness and nature of your violation; and
  • If you face new criminal charges.

While the court can revoke your probation for any action it considers a violation, it is much more likely if you committed a new crime that is serious or violent in nature. In general, first-time technical violations rarely trigger revocations, although this is possible depending on your specific situation.

A probation violation lawyer at the McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., can help you understand the penalties for first-time probation violations in Pennsylvania. Call us at 610-680-7842 today. We offer free consultations.

What happens when you violate probation for the first time?

In the event of a relatively minor technical violation in Pennsylvania, your probation officer may simply issue a warning and decide not to turn you over to the judge. This is the best possible outcome. It pays to avoid any type of behavior that your probation officer might believe is a further violation, as they are unlikely to give you additional chances.

If you face a new criminal charge or if your probation officer does refer you to the judge, you are at risk of having your probation revoked. Depending on the violation, your probation officer also has the authority to arrest you and send you to jail immediately. The judge is more likely to modify the terms of your probation after a first-time violation than revoke it entirely. However, you will not know the outcome of your case until after your probation violation hearing.

What Are the Legal Penalties for a First-Time Violation?

Penalties for First-Time Probation Violations in Pennsylvania

When we review your violation and the circumstances surrounding your situation, we can help you understand the type of legal penalties you may face. In the worst-case scenario, this could include additional restrictions or incarceration. If you committed an additional crime, you could face misdemeanor or felony charges. Depending on the nature of your violation, the judge could:

  • Send you to jail to serve your original sentence;
  • Send you to jail for additional time, up to the maximum allowed based on your original charge;
  • Send you to a drug or alcohol rehabilitation or counseling program;
  • Add time to your probationary period;
  • Order additional community service; or
  • Add or alter the terms of your probation.

We will protect your rights throughout the process and fight to minimize any potential legal penalties.

Are There Other Consequences of a Pennsylvania Probation Violation?

In addition to the legal penalties you could face after a first-time probation violation, there could be other consequences that drastically affect your everyday life. Additional terms added to your probation or incarceration could lead to losing your job, dropping out of school, or spending months or even years away from your friends and family.

Even if the judge opts not to revoke your probation, a change in the terms could make it difficult to continue supporting your family and working toward a better future. Even a minor probation violation could lead to a series of consequences that changes the course of your future in a negative way. Minimizing the legal penalties you face after a first-time violation is the best way to ensure you can get back to your normal work, school, or family obligations as soon as possible.

For this reason, it is important you take any probation violation seriously. Even a first-time violation could lead the judge to revoke your probation and send you to jail.

How Can an Attorney Help Protect Me After a First-Time Probation Violation?

If you enlist our services, we will help to mitigate the ramifications you suffer and get you back to your regular schedule as soon as possible. We will investigate your alleged probation violation and build a solid defense on your behalf. When the violation is technical in nature, we may be able to suggest a way to redress the issue without facing major modifications to your probation terms.

When a violation occurs as a result of a criminal charge, we will represent you in court for the new charge as well as in your probation violation hearing. It is possible to minimize the impact of a first-time violation and limit the effect it has on your life, even if you face new criminal charges. We will present the best possible image of you to the court and request lenient penalties that will best serve your future.

How Can I Contact a Pennsylvania Probation Violation Attorney About My Case?

At the McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., we can help you understand the possible consequences of your first-time probation violation and present a strong case to reduce the penalties. Criminal defense attorney David C. McKenzie III will ensure your rights remain protected during your probation violation hearing and fight for the best possible outcome in your case. Call us today at 610-680-7842 to get started.

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