If you are facing probation or parole violation charges, a violation of probation lawyer in Harleysville from the McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. can help you move past it and get your life back.
We understand that people make mistakes and that bad things happen to good people sometimes. The McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. wants to help you get past your current situation with minimal disruption to your life and career. We fight passionately for the rights of the accused.
For a free case evaluation with a member of our team, call 610-680-7842 today.
Here at the McKenzie Law Firm, P.C., we defend clients who have been charged with both probation and parole violations. We can let you know what you are up against and build the most robust case possible against revocation.
We want to help you. For a free case evaluation, call us at 610-680-7842.
If a judge convicts you of violating your probation, you could face serious consequences, including jail time. Your punishment depends on several factors. Primary among those factors is whether your violation was direct or technical.
If law enforcement arrests you for a new crime while on probation for a previous crime, you may face a direct violation of probation charge. For instance, you are on probation for a shoplifting charge and get stopped for DUI. This is a direct violation of probation, which is the more severe of the two probation violation charges.
With a direct violation of probation, you will face charges for the recent offense and the original charge for which you received probation.
If you fail to meet the obligations of your probation, you could face a technical violation of probation charge. A violation does not involve a new crime, but it may result in a judge revoking your probation or adding stricter requirements to your current probation agreement.
Here are a few ways you may incur a technical violation of probation charge:
Many technical probation violations do not involve willfully flouting the rules. They often result from simple misunderstandings, such as forgetting to meet with their probation officer or running into an old friend with whom the person is not supposed to interact.
Even if you had no ill intentions, a technical probation violation is a serious charge nonetheless. The McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. can defend you and help you move past it. For a free case evaluation, call 610-680-7842 today.
If you are facing a violation of probation charge, it is important to take action quickly. If you do not fight the charge, you could end up in jail with your probation revoked. If the judge revokes your probation, they could order you to serve out the maximum sentence allowable for your original offense. If your charge is for a direct probation violation, you could be held in jail until your hearing date for your latest charge.
A violation of probation lawyer in Harleysville, PA can help. The McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. can start by filing a petition to have you released from jail to await your hearing. We have a successful track record of not only getting our clients out of jail to await trial but also helping them avoid having their probation revoked and getting sent back to jail.
The first step in fighting a violation of probation charge is attending a preliminary hearing. We will attend this hearing with you and try to get your charge dropped. If the prosecution does not agree to drop the charge at this time, you will receive a date for a second hearing. The second hearing is more thorough and ends with a final decision on your probation.
We prepare extensively for this hearing. Depending on the circumstances of your case, we have a host of defenses we can use. If you are accused of violating your probation by drinking alcohol, for instance, we may be able to get the charge dropped by having you attend outpatient rehab or AA meetings instead of going to jail.
The McKenzie Law Firm, P.C. team is eager to help you beat your violation of probation charge and get on with your life. To learn more about how a criminal defense lawyer can help you, call 610-680-7842 for a free consultation.